Tuesday, October 27, 2020

SCRUM doesn't support Innovation

Most of the leading Software Development Companies using SCRUM today. Many of these companies are also associated with innovations. Now, many people assume that SCRUM is the reason of innovations, but this assumption is wrong. SCRUM is neutral it does not support or inhibits innovations. To support the generation of innovation you need other methods like 3M's 80/20 Rule or others.

  1. SCRUM is an ideal environment for code monkeys.
  2. SCRUM does not support innovations. There are other ideas need for being an innovating company.
  3. SCUM are a capable company environments to keep innovators.
Pro Tip: After 20 years, the book "The Knowledge-Creating Company" from Nonaka and Takeuchi is still my favorite book about innovation and knowledge.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Part 1: What is wrong with SCRUM?

Since I started with XP, I mean eXtrem programming not Windows XP, I'm a big fan of agile software development.

I see many different companies as freelancer. Currently in the most companies I worked for SCRUM is the weapon of choice. There is no discussion to use it or not. SCRUM is the up to date way of scalable software development. The software development is scalable not the software. But in reality most companies have open or hidden problems with SCRUM. But why? SCRUM is easy, many good books are written about it you can hire SCRUM coaches What should could go wrong?

To make a long story short, every thing in SCRUM process can go wrong and it goes wrong. Believe me. But why did this happens, SCRUM is not complex and easy to understand. The answer is the people doesn't match to the SCRUM process. What? I believe that many experienced developers can't understand what it means SCUM doesn't match the people. But in one of the next post of the coming series What is wrong with SCRUM?, I try to explain it.

But not only the humans are source of trouble also SCRUM itself has some disadvantages that could be slow down the software development.

  1. Growing technical debt
  2. To high feature development speed
For booth problem exists ideas to solve them. In the following posts I will describe the problems and ideas to solve them.